We get out into Nature!
As with all outings, presentations, walks, meetings, talks, etc., always check the APAS website, the Facebook site, or the Twitter account for updates or cancellations before leaving home at www.alleghenyplateauaudubon.org.
The following APAS events as well as other events sponsored by friends of the Allegheny Plateau Audubon Society are coming up soon!
February 23, 2025 - Spring Counting Begins at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
We hope to open on this day, but the spring count is always weather dependent.
December 1, 2024 - February 28, 2024 - Participate in the Pennsylvania Bird Atlas Winter Survey
Pennsylvania’s Third Bird Atlas is launching its first ever Winter Survey on December 1, 2024, and your help is needed! The Atlas, sponsored by Hawk Mountain Sanctuary and the Pennsylvania Game Commission, is a five-year-long community science project to map the birds breeding and wintering in the state. The Winter Atlas surveys will provide current information on the distribution and abundance of species that winter in Pennsylvania and help identify important winter bird habitats.
Anyone can participate by recording birds anywhere in the state from December 1 - February 28. Using the Pennsylvania Bird Atlas portal in the online database eBird, you can conduct a 1-hour survey or create other traveling checklists, count the birds coming to your feeders via stationary checklists, or submit an incidental checklist to report an interesting bird seen while out and about. Regardless of how or where you watch birds this winter (including while doing a Christmas Bird Count) you can add data to the Pennsylvania Winter Bird Atlas and contribute to bird conservation in Pennsylvania!
For more information about the project and how you can participate, visit the Winter Atlas webpage. For assistance, contact your local county coordinator or email pabirdatlas@hawkmountain.org.
White Nose Syndrome Presentation
Greg Turner (left in the picture from WESA c/o Kara Holsopple) is a certified wildlife biologist with research experience in disease ecology, behavior, genetic diversity, metabolic and reproductive physiology, and works professionally toward the conservation and management of bats. Mr. Turner has been monitoring and researching many aspects of bat ecology including focuses on hibernation dynamics and behavior, migration, foraging parameters, and fall swarm movements. Since 2007 extensive efforts have focused on understanding the spread, impacts, and physiological parameters of White-nose Syndrome (WNS) in North American bats. Specific WNS related research including both published and works in progress include: development of a new and non-lethal diagnostic and measurement technique for WNS infections, changes in hibernation physiology, altering microclimates and measuring influences on WNS progression and prevalence, examining changes in infection load compared to length of time colony exposed to WNS, examining changes in body mass in response to WNS, and the use of antifungal agents to treat captive wild populations with WNS. Mr. Turner has also pioneered several techniques, now carefully validated, that will be used in the proposed research, including the use of data loggers to measure arousal patterns across hibernation, measuring and photographing WNS lesions with UV light, and examining changes in body mass index.
Christmas Bird Count
Warming up after a long day of birding. The CBC occurs every year in December.
Butterfly Count
A Variegated Fritillary at the butterfly count. The ABA butterfly count occurs in July.
Winter Raptor Survey
WRS occurs in January.
Hawkwatch Picnic
Great views with good food and lots of birds. The hawkwatch picnic occurs in either September or October.
Moth Lighting
Insects are an important part of the ecosystem.
Summer Meeting
The Annual APAS Summer meeting usually occurs in July or August.
Night Presentations at the Hawk Watch
National Parks presentation by Meadow and Theo
Meetings at UPJ
Spring and Fall meeting are held at University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.
Astronomy Nights and Mornings at the Hawk Watch
We see amazing things!
Middle Creek Field Trip Each Spring
This is an outing that you must see….amazing flocks in March!
Past Events
Sunday, February 2, 2025, – APAS Winter Outing at Shawnee State Park, Pavilion #7
Winter enthusiasts are invited to come out of their burrows on Groundhog Day and join members of the Allegheny Plateau Audubon Society for a winter outing at Shawnee State Park. We will meet at Pavilion #7, which is a short walk from the lake’s edge, and the Lake Shore, Fenton and Tiday Trails. We will plan on birdwatching and a nature finding hike for fun, however if seasonal conditions enable, we may sled, ski, snowshoe, or maybe even explore the frozen lake. An after-walk potluck lunch and social is planned. What should you bring? You can pack your own lunch or bring enough to share. Just think of how nice it will be to share hot chili, sweet rolls, hot chocolate, or mulled cider! Be creative with any yummy foods that would be great outside! Please wear your outdoor gear to the pavilion where we will share our food and stories of the past year. Check the weather and use your best judgment. Accommodations include a nearby year-round restroom, charcoal grill, and electricity in the pavilion. Bring your own beverages to ensure there is something you like. There is no set schedule, but we plan to meet at Pavilion #7 just off Felton Road at 10:00 AM. Not an APAS member, no problem, everyone is invited!
Where: Shawnee State Park, Pavilion #7 - Felton Road, Schellsburg, PA 15559 (Latitude: 40° 02'21.76"N Longitude: 78°37'19.13"W)
Time: 10:00 AM - Questions? Contact Sandy Cline (814-442-6825) or Adam Katrancha (814-254-5752)
Saturday, January 18, 2025, 10:00 a.m. - Winter Botany Walk on Kimberly Run Natural Area with Scott Bastian
Meet at Craig Road parking lot. (Frontage road on SE side of the 4-lane 219 interchange at Berlin Plank Rd.) The walk will finish at the cabin where we will enjoy a fire and roasted marshmallows. This is an easy walk through the winter woods to see what we can find. It will last about an hour. Dress warm and wear appropriate foot gear. This event is rain or shine. No reservations or RSVP required.
Sunday, December 15, 2024 - Christmas Bird Count
Allegheny Plateau Audubon Society sponsors the Johnstown Circle of the annual CBC. This count has been conducted for the last 40 years. The count circle, which is actually in northern Somerset County, is split into 8 zones and teams go out during the day and scour their areas for as many bird species as possible. We are always looking for new participants who generally get paired up with a leader of one of the groups and follow along or get sent to a specific area to tally the birds present. The circle includes 3 large lakes, several smaller ponds and streams, fields and extensive woods. We generally find 60-70+ bird species on count day and a few more during “count week” which is 3 days before and after the count day.
We will be meeting at a local restaurant (Gourmet Buffet - Somerset) at the end of the day to tally each group’s findings and enjoy the comradery of a meal. New folks of any birding skill level are welcome to participate.
If you have an interest in participating, please send your contact information to Jeff Payne at paynemt@gmail.com or to somersetconservancyevents@gmail.com.
Friday, October 18 & Saturday, October 19, 2024 - Saw Whet Owl Banding
We do not anticipate big numbers this early in the season. If coming, bring a chair, flashlight, and warm clothes. Always check the website and social media for updates before coming in case of weather or wind changes.
Sunday, October 13, 2024 - Hawk Watch Picnic at Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
Bring a dish to share as well as a chair and drinks as we enjoy the fall migration. Deb will bring food and we will eat around noon.
Saturday, September 28, 2024 - Butterfly Tagging at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch .
Monarch Butterflies will be caught and tagged from 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 14, 2024 - Butterfly Telemetry Tagging at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch .
Monarch Butterflies will be caught and transmitters attached from 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 15, 2024 - Allegheny Front Hawk Watch Open for the Fall Count.
Normal hours are between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and is weather dependent.
Saturday, August 10, 2024 - Work Day at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch and Dunnings Creek Wetlands
The weather looks beautiful for Saturday when we will have two groups working. One at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch and the other at Dunnings Creek Wetlands. Each will meet at their respective places at 8:30 a.m.
For the Hawk Watch, we will be mowing, trimming, weeding, clearing, placing signs, etc. in anticipation of the opening of the hawk watch. Tools needed will include shovels, weed-wackers, pruners, garden rakes, and loppers. We expect this work to be lighter in duty and less in total amount.
For the Dunning’s Creek Wetlands, we will focus primarily on completing the path around Teal Pond (the largest pond). This will be heavy work and involve cutting trees, removing brush, and establishing the path. We will be using chainsaws, loppers, and lots of manpower. Others that would like to walk the main path to remove some hanging branches and jaggers can also do so. We may also be putting in signposts and maybe putting out new bluebird boxes.
Everyone will meet back at the hawk watch for lunch at noon. We will provide the leftover pork from the picnic and possibly some chicken. Deb may be bringing up other food. Regardless, bring drinks and a chair.
Contact Bob Stewart for further information (email: bob@stewart.net tel. 814-269-9279).
Saturday, August 10, 2024 – Astronomy Night at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
The gate will be open from the workday and the program will begin as it gets dark. Feel free to bring binoculars, a spotting scope, or a telescope. Wayne Sierer will be our guide to the stars.
Sunday, August 4, 2023 – APAS - Summer Picnic - Chris Dick’s Farm
Everyone is invited! Most people will arrive at 10:30 a.m.
We will have a quick membership board meeting at 11:00 a.m. where the members can ask the board questions and see how the monthly meetings are run. At noon, we will begin eating. A roasted pastured pig from Chaganra farms will be provided as the main dish, so bring a covered dish and your own beverages. Several picnic tables are available, but consider bringing a folding chair or a picnic blanket.
After lunch, we will give a short presentation about exciting new developments in Monarch Tracking as well as updates on the Dunnings Creek Wetlands and the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch. There will be the “renown” Trash to Treasures Auction, so members are welcome to bring items to donate.
There are miles of mowed trails around the farm, and we will have time for a guided nature walk. You can also look for birds, butterflies, etc. on your own. There is also a pond for fishing or swimming. Other activities for the kids include a guided snake walk.
The address is 123 Hummer Lane, Cairnbrook, PA 15924. Map
Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. - Wildflower and Birding Outing
The APAS is offering a wildflower and birding hike this Saturday, July 27th from 9 AM to 11:30 AM. We will be following the trail (Fisherman’s Path) in the Clear Shade Wild Area. The focus is a bog area off the trail. Focus will be on pitcher plants, sundew, cotton grass. Warning, there is a steep descent from the road. If desired we may also visit the bog off the John P Saylor trail or another bog across the stream.
Bring water. Wear long pants and use tick spray. Leather boots are fine for trail walking. Some may prefer rubber boots for the bog.
We will meet at the Clear Shade Wild Area parking lot just off Route 56 east of Windber. Please RSVP Bob Stewart (bob@stewart.net or text 814-248-1186) if planning to participate.
Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Kittatinny Roundtable – Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
In-person and Virtual – Presentations, sharing of seasonal data, etc. The annual meeting of hawkwatch leaders in PA and nearby areas.
Topics will include discussion of PA migration in spring 2024 and fall 2023 but there is option for focused talks as well. Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83398430576 Meeting ID: 833 9843 0576
Sunday, July 28, 2024 – ABA Butterfly Count
Just like counting birds, except with butterflies! Each team will have at least 2 people and we will need at least four teams. Contact Debbie Bodenschatz (djb4apas@gmail.com) if you are interested in participating this year.
Thursday, July 4, 2024 – Wetlands Walk
This will be a casual walk, not a birding focused event. Meet at the parking lot at the Whitetail Wetlands at 9:00 A.M. Bring water or drink. We will then gather on the porch or at Shawnee State Park. Do not forget to bring binoculars, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Friday, June 28, 2024 - Mowing at the Hawk Watch
The work crew will assemble at the Hawk Watch outside of Central City on Friday, June 28, 2024. We will mow the hawk watch lane, and also the hawk watch if needed. The detail will start at 10:30 AM. Anyone interested in helping out please contact Bob Stewart by phone 814-269-9279.
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM - Longest Day of the Year Hike at Mensers
The Somerset County Conservancy will be meeting at 583 Menser Road, Somerset, PA 15501 for a special night nature hike from 8:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Menser side of KRNA. This unique event is hosted by the President and founder of PA Woods and Forests, Aaron Capouellez, who will guide us in exploring the fascinating world of frogs, insects, and other target species that are central to the mission of the nonprofit. Wear appropriate clothing for an evening outdoors and bring a flashlight. Registration: The event is limited to 30 spots, so please register early to secure your place. You can register by emailing somersetconservancyevents@gmail.com
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 4:00 p.m. - Work Day at at the Menser Addition parking area (583 Menser Road)
The Somerset County Conservancy is having a work day at the Menser Addition parking area (583 Menser Road). We are planning on working on a trail extension on our Bear Claw Trail we started last year. Gloves, rakes, loppers, and perhaps an extra weed whipper would be helpful but we have tools. We will have pizza around 6:00 to celebrate our accomplishment!
Friday, June 7, 2024 - Construction Work - Johnstown Area
A small group of volunteers will be disassembling an existing deck. It is hoped to salvage some of the lumber to erect more benches on the hill at the north end. Start time 1:00 p.m. Anyone who would like to participate in this activities, please contact Bob Stewart at 814-269-9279 or bob@stewart.net.
Wednesday, June 12, Saturday, June 8, 2024 - Mowing at the Hawk Watch
Due to weekend rain in the forecast the mowing at the hawk watch is scheduled for June 12, 2024, which is a Wednesday. Hawk Watch Mowing rescheduled AGAIN. We will be mowing at the hawk watch tomorrow, Saturday, June 8. We will start at 10:30 AM. Anyone interested in helping or just to stop by, you are welcome! Anyone who would like to participate in this activities, please contact Bob Stewart at 814-269-9279 or bob@stewart.net.
Sunday, May 26, 2024 - Mowing and Trimming at Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
The crew at the hawk watch will be mowing and trimming the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch this Sunday, May 26, 2024 starting about 10:30 AM. Anyone who would like to help or just hang out would be great! Bring water or electrolyte replenishment. We expect to repeat this event every 2 weeks on a weekend schedule if weather permits. This week is on a Sunday but future events could happen on a Saturday or Sunday. Watch this space for future reference.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - Bird Walk at Flight 93 Game Lands and Memorial - 8:30 a.m.
Meet at the Flight 93 Game Lands parking area at 8:30 AM. We might be walking through wet, tall grass so dress accordingly.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - Bird Outing at Spruce Bog on Laurel Mountain - 9:00 a.m.
From Route 30 take Laurel Summit Road South. This would be a left if you’re coming from Jennerstown. It used to be right past Wallets Tavern, but that burnt down, so there are really no good landmarks. It is right at the top of the mountain. Travel about five miles to Laurel Summit State Park. There are a couple of places where you can turn off, but basically just keep going straight. Shortly after the turnoff to the downhill ski area, the road changes to gravel. Drive until you encounter a parking area for the bog and for Wolf Rocks.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - Bird Outing at Shawnee State Park
Meet at the Colvin Boat Launch at 9 AM. Any questions call Sandy- 814-442-6825
Saturday, May 11, 2024 - Bird Walk at Kimberly Run Natural Area (Somerset)
The Bird Walk will be hosted by Dr. Jeff Payne - Meeting at Kimberly Run Natural Area (174 Craig Rd, Somerset PA 15501) at 8:00 am.
May 11, 2024 is International Migratory Bird Day. The Conservancy will be hosting a birds of forest and fields walk in honor of this. We will be starting at 8:00 a.m. at the 174 Craig Rd. Somerset entrance of Kimberly Run Natural Area and walking the Blue Trail to search for forest birds. At about 9:30-10:00 a.m. we will drive over to the Menser addition (583 Menser Rd.) to KRNA to walk around one of the fields to search for more open country birds. This is usually the peak of migration, and with a little help from the weather we hope to see or hear 30- 40 or more bird species. Your host for the walk will be Jeff Payne with perhaps some other local birders. Sturdy walking shoes, binoculars (we’ll have a couple spares), insect repellent, and a bottle of water are recommended. Folks can participate in the whole walk or either half as desired. Please RSVP by May 9 to somersetconservancyevents@gmail.com so we know how many are coming and can contact you in case of last minute changes.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - Bird Outing at Quemahoning Reservoir
APAS will have a bird outing at the Quemahoning Reservoir on Tuesday, April 23. Meet at the Green Bridge parking area at 9:00 AM. We will bird three different areas of the Que. Questions - contact Sandy at 814-442-6825.
Saturday, April 27, 2024 - Raptorthon
Raptorthon is a joint effort between the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) and the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch. Donations are split between the two organizations and can be made at: https://www.hmana.org/product/dr-wargo-and-the-eaglets/.
For the past five springs, the Freedom Area High School and Middle School have participated in Raptorthon, a joint effort between the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA), the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch, and the Freedom Area High School’s Naturalist Club. Raptorthon culminates with a trip to the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch with the students and teachers from Freedom Area School District. In addition, Freedom Area Hawk Watch provides some basic training for our young hawk watchers. However, going to the legendary Allegheny Front Hawk Watch is an inspiring trip and one that the Naturalist Club members look forward to each year.
All donations are split between the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch and HMANA. These funds helped procure an HMANA grant to install a weather station at the Freedom Area Hawk Watch.
Update - Dunnings Creek Wetland Outing, Saturday, April 13, 2024 Sunday, April 14, 2024
Due to the significant rainfall, there is a modification to how we park when we arrive at Jerry's property (Whitetail Wetlands). Please park on the gravel near/around the house....not around the circle nor in the grass.
Due to recent rain and expectation of high winds and low temperatures on Saturday, the event has been rescheduled to Sunday, April 14th. Try to arrive between 8:30 AM and 9 AM. Be sure to wear waterproof boots. Temperature is expected to be in the 50's with a small chance of rain.
Please keep conversations near the impoundments to a minimum.
Try not to alarm the waterfowl. We will be leaving in staggered groups.
We can gather on the outside porch of the residence afterwards. Bring drinks, and finger food to share if you wish.
Saturday, March 30, 2024, 7:30 p.m. - Easter Frog Walk at KRNA (Kimberly Run Natural Area in Somerset)
Enjoy an educational and immersive experience learning about the native frog species of PA with herpetologist Aaron Capouellez on Saturday, March 30, 7:30 p.m. at Kimberly Run (174 Craig Road). Dress appropriately for the weather, wear comfortable walking shoes/boots, and bring a flashlight or headlamp. Please RSVP by March 28, at somersetconservancyevents@gmail.com .
Saturday, March 2, 2024 - Workday at the Dunnings Creek Wetlands - Weather Permitting
Sunday, March 3, 2024 - Workday at the Dunnings Creek Wetlands - Weather Permitting
Everyone will meet at the wetlands at 9:30 a.m.
Rocks are already loaded and will now be down at the wetlands, so there is no reason to meet at the hawk watch as stated earlier.
Directions to the wetlands can be found on our website under the Dunnings Creek Wetlands tab and dropdown menu - www.alleghenyplateauaudubon.org.
We will be installing poles for signage, cutting viewing areas around the ponds, weed whacking around the duck blind, cutting overhanging branches and brambles from the trails, and transporting rocks for erosion areas around Grebe and Teal ponds. The rocks will need to be transferred from the truck onto the side-by-side for transporting to the ponds.
If you are interested in helping for the day, please let us know by emailing wargo.apas@gmail.com. And make sure that you check for any last-minute cancelations due to weather.
Sunday, February 4, 2024, – APAS Winter Outing at Dunnings Creek Wetlands
Winter Outing at the Dunnings Creek Wetlands – Winter enthusiasts are invited to join members of the Allegheny Plateau Audubon Society for a winter outing at Dunnings Creek Wetlands. Located between Bedford and Pleasantville, PA, this wetland complex consists of over 174 acres of fields, scrub shrub, young forest, and ponds. A walkabout is anticipated, so waterproof footwear is recommended. However, if seasonal conditions provide ample snow, skis and snowshoes may offer additional opportunities for exploration. Check the weather and use your best judgment. An after-walk social is planned with neighbor Jerry Fetter offering indoor accommodations for a light potluck lunch. You can pack your own lunch or bring enough to share. Please provide your own beverages. A stove, electrical outlets, and refrigeration should be available.
We will rendezvous at the Whitetail Wetlands parking area off Dunnings Creek Road at 10:00 AM. Dunnings Creek Road intersects Route 56 1.5 miles east of Pleasantville, and 6.5 miles west of Interstate 99. Turn south from Route 56 onto Dunnings Creek Road. (Long’s Outpost will be on the left.) Follow Dunnings Creek Road 1.5 miles to Menonite Road. Turn right onto Menonite Road (This is the access drive for Jerry Fetter’s Whitetail Wetlands.) Follow the drive over the stream, around the bend and park in the loop in front of the house.
What: APAS Winter Outing
Where: Dunnings Creek Wetlands and neighboring Whitetail Wetlands
967 Dunnings Creek Rd., New Paris, PA 15554
Latitude: 40° 09'24.79"N
Longitude: 78°36'49.42"W
When: February 4, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
Questions? Contact Sandy Cline (814-442-6825) or Adam Katrancha (814-254-5752)
Sunday, December 17, 2023 – Christmas Bird Count
We are always looking for new participants who generally get paired up with a leader of one of the groups and follow along or get sent to a specific area to tally the birds present. If you have an interest in participating, please send your contact information to Jeff Payne at paynemt@gmail.com or to somersetconservancyevents@gmail.com.
Canceled Friday, November 24, 2023 - Workday at the Dunnings Creek Wetlands
We will be installing poles for signage, cutting viewing areas around the ponds, weed-wacking around the duck blind, cutting overhanging branches and brambles from the trails, and transporting rocks for erosion areas around Grebe and Teal ponds. The rocks will need to be transported from the hawk watch to the wetlands where we will load them onto the side-by-side for transporting to the ponds.
Meet at either the hawk watch to pick up rocks at 8:30 a.m. or at the wetlands at 9:30 a.m. Directions to the wetlands can be found on our website under the Dunnings Creek Wetlands tab and dropdown menu - www.alleghenyplateauaudubon.org.
If you are interested in helping for the day, please let us know by emailing wargo.apas@gmail.com.
October to November 2023 - Owl Banding
Dress warm, bring a folding chair, and a flashlight. Enjoy your nocturnal experience! Park along Lambert Mt. Road and walk in the lane. Banding starts at dusk. Late night helpers are particularly valuable on busy nights. Usually, the banding starts around the beginning of October and extends into November. Always check the website before coming out.
Sunday, October 8, 2023 - Hawk Watch Picnic at Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
Bring a dish to share as well as a chair and drinks as we enjoy the fall migration.
Thursday, August 3, 2023 – 6:00 p.m. – Brian M. Wargo, President of the Allegheny Plateau Audubon Society, will be presenting at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Garden’s Biophilia Pittsburgh series on Migration in the Sky: Raptors on the Move! This virtual event requires registration which can be found on the Phipps site https://www.phipps.conservatory.org/green-innovation/in-the-community/biophilia-network or at the Zoom site https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkc-mprTovGtVnpAk08JOt1qsveUz-Wra3#/registration .
Sunday, August 6, 2023 – APAS Annual Meeting - Shawnee State Park - Pavilion 3
An in-person APAS meeting will take place at 11:00 a.m.
Sunday, August 6, 2023 – APAS - Summer Picnic - Shawnee State Park - Pavilion 3
Bring a covered dish and your own beverages, and we will provide a main dish. We will begin eating at noon. A butterfly presentation will be delivered at 1:00 p.m. There will be the “renown” Trash to Treasures Auction, so members are welcome to bring items to donate.
Saturday, August 12, 2023 - Work Day at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
Mowing, trimming, weeding, clearing, placing signs, etc. in anticipation of the opening of the hawk watch. We will provide and grill burgers/hotdogs but bring your own drinks. Contact Bob Stewart for further information (email: bob@stewart.net tel. 814-269-9279).
Saturday, August 12, 2023 – Astronomy Night at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
The gate will be open from the workday and the program will begin as it gets dark. Feel free to bring binoculars, a spotting scope, or a telescope. Wayne Sierer will be our guide to the stars.
Saturday, July 22, 2023 - 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. - Kittatinny Roundtable – Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
In-person and Virtual – Presentations, sharing of seasonal data, etc.
Sunday, July 23, 2023 – ABA Butterfly Count
Just like counting birds, except with butterflies! Each team will have at least 2 people and we will need at least four teams. Contact Debbie Bodenschatz (djb4apas@gmail.com) if you are interested in participating this year.
Saturday, July 8, 2023, Guided Nocturnal Nature Hike - Join the Somerset County Conservancy on , at 8:00 p.m. at the Kimberly Run main entrance (near 219 interchange) for a guided nocturnal nature hike hosted by Aaron Capouellez. Aaron will educate you on the diverse species native to their region and some of the challenges frogs and toads face. Dress appropriately for the hike including waterproof boots and bring a flashlight. Please RSVP to this email with attendance and any questions you may have.
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Laurel Mountain (Revised)
Revised due to road construction on Linn Run Road in the park near the summit.
At 9:00 A.M. we will meet up at the Linn Run State Park office located at 770 Linn Run Road in Rector. The park office telephone number is 724-238-6623. We will drive up the mountain on Linn Run Road stopping frequently to bird. We will stop for lunch and rest room break at the Grove Run Picnic Area. Afterwards we will hike a portion of the Grove Run Trail looking for the winter wren and other species. After birding Grove Run Trail participants may return to their homes or drive east on Route 30 to the bog on the mountain. Bring lunch if desired. Use tick prevention measures. RSVP Bob Stewart 814-248-1186 or email bob@stewart.net.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - Quemahoning Reservoir (Somerset County), Birdman Road and Shore Areas
Target bird: Golden-Wing Warbler.
Meet at the Birdman Road boat launch at 8:30 AM. The launch is located on Birdman Road off Plank Road near Camp Harmony. Bring lunch if desired. Use tick prevention measures. RSVP Bob Stewart 814-248-1186, bob@stewart.net.
May 5-13, 2023 - Biggest Week in American Birding
APAS members and AFHW frequenters will enjoy the most spectacular warbler migration at Maumee Bay in Ohio. If interested in meeting as a group, please contact Jeanine Ging at neanpsu@hotmail.com.
Saturday, May 6, 2023 – Shawnee State Park
Meet at The Colvin Boat Launch at 8:30 a.m. Practice tick prevention measures! Pack lunch if desired. RSVP - Bob Stewart - bob@stewart.net - 814-269-9279.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Wednesday, May 10, 2023 – Lower Trail (Mt. Etna Trailhead) and Canoe Creek State Park (Blair County)
Carpool from Quaker Steak & Lube (lower side). Depart at 7:30 a.m. Practice tick prevention measures! Pack lunch if desired. RSVP - Bob Stewart - bob@stewart.net - 814-269-9279.
Saturday, May 13, 2023 - 9:00 a.m. - Kimberly Run Natural Area (Somerset)
Hosted by Jeff Payne and the Somerset County Conservancy
Tuesday, May 16, 2023- Beaverdale Sportsmen’s Property (Ogletown Area East of Windber)
Proceed on Route 56 east of Windber to Ogletown. Drive past the ranger station and turn left on Crescent Drive, then another 75 yards, left onto Hollow Road. This road turns to a dirt road. Follow Hollow Road to the top to the hill, passing a quarry on your right. Turn right onto Skyline Drive and proceed maybe 125 yards where we will meet at the entrance to the Beaverdale Sportsmen’s property at 8:30 AM. Bring lunch if desired. Use tick prevention measures. RSVP Bob Stewart 814-248-1186, bob@stewart.net. If you are unfamiliar with the area contact Bob.February 15, 2023 - Spring Hawkwatching
The Allegheny Front Hawk Watch is now open for the Spring 2023 season. Coverage will be "casual" for February, meaning that counters have discretion to cover on less favorable days for a flight. Starting in March, the hawk watch will be open again full time. Remember that hours will be dictated by the weather and winds. If it is raining or the weather is unconducive for a flight then we will be closed. . Check the website, Twitter, and our Facebook pages for updated conditions.
Sunday, March 19, 2023 - Waterfowl Identification Outing with Jeff Payne
The Somerset County Conservancy will be hosting a waterfowl identification outing at the newly refilled Somerset Lake on Sunday March 19, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. We will start by meeting at the middle of the lake at the parking area on Wood Duck Rd above the boat launch. The newly refilled lake has lots of submerged vegetation and could be very good for a fuel stop for migrating birds. The event will be held rain or shine- duck watching is often best in “fowl” weather! Bring any binoculars, scopes and field guides you may have (we will have some loaners) and appropriate outer wear and hopefully the waterbirds will cooperate. We will also discuss the possibility of Somerset Lake being a stop on a proposed Birding Trail being proposed by the nearby Conemaugh Valley Conservancy. If you would like to participate please respond to: somersetconservancyevents@gmail.com
Saturday, March 24, 2023 - Forest Landowners Conference
When: Fri., Mar. 24, 2023 (8:30 AM-9:00 PM) to Sat., Mar. 25, 2023 (8:30 AM-5:00 PM)
Where: The Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center, 215 Innovation Boulevard, State College, Pennsylvania 16803-6603
Registration deadline: March 19, 2023, 4:59 p.m.
Hosted by the James C. Finley Center for Private Forests at Penn State and partners, the 2023 Forest Landowners Conference brings together people who want to know more about forests. Whether you own forested land, hope to one day, or serve as a woodland advocate, join others who share your interests and get the knowledge and tools you need to care well for your woods and elevate your stewardship. Join us for two days of presentations, exhibits, field tours, workshops, conversation opportunities, and priceless connections!
Who is this for: Forest landowners of all property sizes and experiences, Natural resources and forestry professionals, Anyone interested in learning more about good forest stewardship and the ins and outs of forest systems
What will you learn?: Healthy forests, Managing for wildlife, Tending your trees, Planning your forest's legacy, Pollinators, Nuisance plants and pests, Mushrooms and much more!
Sunday, February 5, 2023 – Winter Outing at the Beaverdale Sportsmen's Association
If conditions allow, this will be a snowshoe/cross country ski excursion. If there is insufficient snow, we will rendezvous at the cabin and explore the winter landscape on foot. The cabin and accompanying inside fireplace will provide shelter and warmth and, if conditions allow, we may also have an outdoor fire at the pavilion for cooking and warming. Plan to carry in your lunch and any other provisions you wish to share at your comfort level. Spring water is available and camp coffee can be brewed for those that wish to enjoy the nostalgia. Unfortunately, at this time, we must ask everyone to use their best judgement concerning the weather and their attendance. Also, due to the unforeseeable, ongoing Covid precautions may still be employed if warranted.
Everyone is welcome. Even those that do not ski, snowshoe or hike are encouraged to visit, tend the fires and enjoy the camaraderie of their fellow outdoor enthusiasts. Attendees should access the area via Hollow Road in Ogletown off of Rt. 56. Old Bedford Pike (from Windber) does not receive winter maintenance so it may be impassable. If there is substantial snow, parking will be along Skyline Drive adjacent to the club's lane. Check the website for details before coming out.
We will meet at the Sportsmen's property along Old Bedford Pike/Skyline Drive at 9:00 a.m. Bob Stewart will meet anyone not familiar with the Beaverdale Sportsmen's property at the Clear Shade Wild Area parking lot, just off Route 56 in the Gallitzin State Forest west of Ogletown. Bob will depart the Clear Shade lot at 8:30 a.m. Check the website for updates. (Address: Beaverdale Sportsmen's: 3264 Old Bedford Pike Extension)
Sunday, December 18, 2022 - Christmas Bird Count
Contact Jeff Payne (paynemt@gmail.com) if you are interested in participating this year. Regardless of your skill level…there is a way for you to contribute. We can pair you with experienced birders, you can look for feeder birds, or you can take a sector of the count. There is no better time to get involved than now!
December 21, 2022 - WQED (PBS-Pittsburgh)
Friends of the AFHW, David and Melissa Rohm announced a future broadcast of their documentary film "Golden Eagles- Witnesses to a Changing West." Here is a link with more information on the video. https://www.goldeneaglefilm.com/the-filmFriday Night - October 7, 2022 - Owl banding begins at dusk at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch.
Saturday, October 8, 2022 - Hawk Watch Picnic
The hawk watch picnic at the Allegheny Front is a wonderful time to get together and enjoy each other’s food and company. Bring a dish to share along with your own drinks. A chair or a blanket to sit on is also recommended. Be sure to check the website before coming out! See you there!
Monday, August 15, 2022 - Fall Hawk Watch Begins
The hawk watch opens for regular counting.
Saturday, August 13, 2022 - Work Day at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
Mowing, trimming, weeding, clearing, placing signs, etc. in anticipation of the opening of the hawk watch. We will provide and grill burgers/hotdogs but bring your own drinks. Contact Bob Stewart for further information.
Saturday, August 13, 2022 – Astronomy Night at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
The gate will be open from the workday and the program will begin as it gets dark. Feel free to bring binoculars, a spotting scope, or a telescope. Wayne Sierer will be our guide to the stars.
Sunday, July 31, 2022 - APAS Summer Picnic and APAS Annual Meeting - Shawnee State Park - Pavilion #3
The meeting starts at 11:00 a.m. and will last one hour followed by the APAS Summer Picnic with food at noon. A main dish will be provided. Please bring a covered dish to share and your own beverages (non-alcoholic). You may also bring one or two items for the trash-to-treasures silent auction.
Friday, June 10, 2022 - Wildflower Display - Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
The wild flowers in the meadow are in bloom now. There are many colors and species. The area between the bird boxes is vibrant with many red flowers. Now is the time to view and photograph. You are welcome to view on Friday, June 10, 2021. Bring friends and family. There will be a work party to mow the grass. The gate will be open from 10:30 AM until 2:00 PM. Just drop by and visit. Note: There is no port-a-potty.
Tuesday, June 28, 2021 - Hawk Watch - Wild Flowers
The turf maintenance and beautification team will be at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch site this Tuesday, June 28. Anyone, member or nonmember is welcome to come during our work session to visit or just enjoy the site. The wild flowers should still be in bloom in the meadow. The gate is expected to be open from 10:30 AM until about 1:30 PM. Please stop by and say hello.
Sunday, July 17, 2022 - Butterfly Count
The annual 4th of July butterfly count will be held on July 17, 2022. The count area for our group is anywhere within a 15-mile radius of Bedford. We need a minimum of 4 teams that can commit to a minimum 1 hour to count that day. If you have a team that is interested, please contact me. If you are interested and would like to be paired with a counting group, please contact me. Email debbiebodenschatz@gmail.com.
Here is quick pamphlet reference guide for beginners on Amazon: Pennsylvania Butterflies & Pollinators: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species (Wildlife and Nature Identification) https://a.co/7CZyl6e
Friday, June 10, 2022 - Wildflower Display - Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
The wild flowers in the meadow are in bloom now. There are many colors and species. The area between the bird boxes is vibrant with many red flowers. Now is the time to view and photograph. You are welcome to view on Friday, June 10, 2021. Bring friends and family. There will be a work party to mow the grass. The gate will be open from 10:30 AM until 2:00 PM. Just drop by and visit. Note: There is no port-a-potty.
Saturday, June 4, 2022 - Wetlands Walk - Dunnings Creek Wetlands - 8:00 a.m.
The wetlands at Dunning’s Creek are a refuge for waterfowl, insects, amphibians, and reptiles. While the wetlands have paths, be prepared for soggy ground. Wet boots are your best bet. Take precautions against ticks. There are no facilities at the wetlands, so plan accordingly. We will meet at 8:00 a.m. More information to come! Email wargo.apas@gmail.com if you would like to attend.
The APAS is sponsoring bird walks through the rest of May.
There will generally be two walks each week. APAS Birding Trips Tues, May 24, 2022, and Fri, May 27, 2022.
We will meet in the parking lot of the game lands at 8AM. As before, everyone is invited. Participants are urged to wear the orange garments as turkey season is still in effect. With all these events watch the web page (https://www.alleghenyplateauaudubon.org) for cancellations. If you have any questions please contact Bob Stewart directly by phoning 814-269-9279 or emailing bob@stewart.net .
Laurel Mountain State Park - Tues, May 24, 2022
We will meet at the picnic area at 8 AM. Everyone is invited member or non-member. Driving directions follow: From Jennerstown take Route 30 W. to the top of the mountain. I’m guessing this might be 4-5 miles. Turn left on Laurel Summit Road. Shortly after you pass the entrance to Laurel Mountain ski area, which is on your right, the road turns to gravel. Continue on this road. There will be a sharp bend in the road to the right and right after that Laurel Summit State Park/picnic area is on your right. It is also Bog trail and Wolf rocks trailheads.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - Canoe Creek State Park and the Lower Bike Trail
The APAS is sponsoring bird walks through the rest of May. There will generally be two walks each week. The next walk is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17 at Canoe Creek State Park and the Lower Bike Trail. The emphasis will be on the Lower Bike Trail for birding and a short diversion to Canoe Creek State Park to look briefly at wildflowers, in particular yellow lady slippers. This trip will leave the Johnstown area about 8:00 AM and we will depart the trail area mid-afternoon to return home. Bring drinks and lunch or snacks. Recent species noted at the Lower Trail: Eastern Wood-Peewee, red-eyed vireo, blue-gray gnatcatcher, wood thrush, white-throated sparrow, orchard oriole, killdeer, ring-neck pheasant, least flycatcher, great crested flycatcher, yellow throated vireo, golden winged warbler, yellow throated warbler, fish crow, blue-winged warbler, northern rough winged swallow, spotted sandpiper.
Saturday, April 23, 2022 - Raptorthon
Raptorthon is a joint effort between the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) and the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch. Donations are split between the two organizations and can be made at: https://www.hmana.org/product/dr-wargo-and-the-eaglets/.
For the past five springs, the Freedom Area High School and Middle School have participated in Raptorthon, a joint effort between the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA), the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch, and the Freedom Area High School’s Naturalist Club. Raptorthon culminates with a trip to the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch with the students and teachers from Freedom Area School District. In addition, Freedom Area Hawk Watch provides some basic training for our young hawk watchers. However, going to the legendary Allegheny Front Hawk Watch is an inspiring trip and one that the Naturalist Club members look forward to each year.
All donations are split between the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch and HMANA. These funds helped procure an HMANA grant to install a weather station at the Freedom Area Hawk Watch.
April 27, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. - Hearing Nature Speak: What Numbers Tell Us About the Hawk Migration - Brian M. Wargo
HMANA's next Lunch & Learn Presentation Series
Join us for another monthly Lunch & Learn series program as we welcome Dr. Brian M. Wargo from HMANA.
HawkCount.org houses the millions of raptor observations that have been recorded from the network of hawk sites scattered across North America. In the spring and in the fall, raptors make an incredible journey, usually without fanfare. But if we look, the numbers will tell us their stories. Collecting and analyzing data is not what most people consider fun or interesting. Thankfully, there are individuals that are willing to do this kind of work. Brian M. Wargo, Chair of the Data Committee for HMANA, is one of them! In this presentation, the techniques and tricks for making sense of migration data will be revealed. In addition, trends for various species will be discussed.
Brian M. Wargo is a hawkwatcher, a physicist, and an educator. He is also the Eastern Flyway Editor for Hawk Migration Studies, which is responsible for more than half of the working hawk sites reporting data. He is also the Saturday counter at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch.
This program is FREE but requires registration. Please click the link below to register:
For those not on Zoom, we will also live stream this program on our Facebook page.
Saturday, April 9, 2022 - Frog Walk
Join Citizen Scientist Aaron Capoullez at the Kimberly Run Natural Area at 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. 20-25 spots available. We will meet at the entrance near 219. Please wear boots, bring a flashlight, and dress appropriately for the weather. RSVP @somersetconservancyevents@gmail.com.
Saturday March 12, 2022 Changed to Sunday, March 13, 2022– Waterfowl Walk - Shawnee & Dunnings Creek Wetlands
We will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Shawnee State Park, SR 96, Colvin Boat Launch, just South of Schellsburg, where APAS waterfowl expert Jeff Payne will lead the group. We will eat lunch at around 11:30 a.m. and then continue the walk over at Dunnings Creek Wetlands at 1:00 p.m. Jeff Payne will meet anyone unfamiliar with the drive to the wetlands back at the Colvin Boat Launch. If you are planning on attending, please RSVP at somersetconservancyevents@gmail.com. As the date gets closer, more details will be available on our website at www.alleghenyplateauaudubon.org.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. - Unraveling the Mysteries of the Eastern Golden Eagle by Dr. Tricia Miller, Conservation Biologist, Researcher, and Educator. She is Executive Director and Senior Research Biologist at Conservation Science Global, and is an Adjunct Faculty member at West Virginia University, as well as a member of the Eastern Golden Eagle Working Group. To participate via Zoom, please register: https://bit.ly/3oigqWt. This is part of the Penn State Outreach. In person participation may be possible.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - Opening of the Hawk Watch
This day is calling for southeast winds. The lane is not plowed and has up to four inches of slippery snow. Four-wheel drive vehicles may be able to drive back the lane but visitors should use caution so as not to get stuck. Carry safety equipment just in case. The porto-potty will be delivered next week. The snow should also melt within a week. Until March 1, 2022, each counter has the discretion of counting, meaning if the weather conditions are not promising, they may not be counting.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 - Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area Swan/Snow Geese Visitor Center and Interior Roads Open. Wayne Sierer will lead a walk/talk concerning Swans and Snow Geese at Middle Creek on an agreed upon day. If interested, please contact Wayne directly at wcsierer@verizon.net. Note: Weekends are very crowded and less desirable for an outing. When a firm date is agreed upon, it will be posted on the APAS website as well as other details. www.alleghenyplateauaudubon.org.
March 4-7, 2022 - Cambria County Birding Spotlight
The PSO is highlighting counties across the state to explore its hotspots and find as many birds as we can. On March 4-7, join us as we lead a concentrated effort to bird Cambria County! As a group, we want to document as many birds as possible during this extended weekend. Birders are invited to tag along with trip leaders or explore the county’s game lands, state park, and reclaimed strip mines on their own terms.
We will have a GroupMe text group set up to get out the word for rarities and group information, and an eBird Trip Report to document the four-day bird count. For anyone who is going to be birding during the 4-day birding spotlight, we ask you to share your eBird checklists with PSO Birding Data so we can keep track easier. We will be sharing pics and updates on the Cambria County Facebook page and encourage others to do the same. Birders of all skill levels are invited to join-in and contribute! If you just want to learn more about birds or you can help others in our challenge, we want you to be involved! Here is the link to the Facebook group for Cambria County https://www.facebook.com/groups/264104014896083 as well as a link to the Facebook event page - https://fb.me/e/1DPc7lAK1.
Sunday, February 20, 2022 - 1:00 p.m. - Snowshoe/Ski/Walk at Kimberly Run Natural Area
The Somerset County Conservancy (SCC) would like to invite you to our event at Kimberly Run Natural Area (KRNA). On Sunday, February 20, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. we will have a winter walk/ski/snowshoe. There will be a couple pairs of snowshoes available to use, first come first serve. Meet at KRNA entrance by Route 219. RSVP to: somersetconservancyevents@gmail.com with the number attending and if equipment is needed.
Dunning Creek Wetlands Outing - Sunday, October 10, 2021 - 9:00 a.m.
If attending, please email wargo.apas@gmail.com and you will be issued a pass and a map.
Owling is canceled for Friday, October 22, 2021. We may try Saturday, October 23, 2021. Owling usually runs through the weekends in October until the beginning of November.
Dunnings Creek Wetlands Outing - Sunday Morning at 9:00 a.m. - October 10, 2021
Email wargo.apas@gmail.com for a parking pass, a parking map, and a trail map.
Hawk Watch Picnic - Sunday, October 3, 2021
- Allegheny Front Hawk Watch - 11:00 a.m.
Due to the possibility of a rain shower, we have moved the starting time up an hour to 11:00 a.m. Please bring a covered dish to share and your own beverages (non-alcoholic).
There will be a very brief membership meeting before the picnic to discuss changes to the bylaws.
Dunning Creek Wetlands Outing -
Sunday, September 26, 2021 - 7:00 a.m.
The paths have been cut around the property, thus allowing access to the half dozen ponds, as well as the connecting meadows and wetlands. Our goal is to do some preliminary surveying of the flora and fauna and enjoy the morning. Boots are recommended.
If you plan on attending, please contact Brian M. Wargo at: wargo.apas@gmail.com. You will be sent a parking pass and directions.
The 8th Annual International Hawk Migration Week begins Saturday, September 18, 2021, and runs through Sunday, September 26, 2021. The Allegheny Front Hawk Watch is one of the vital pillars for collecting raptor data. Please consider supporting this and other hawkwatching organizations.
Thursday, March 18, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. - APAS Virtual Meeting with Laura Jackson - “Saving Monarchs, One Yard at a Time”
Work Day - August 7, 2021
Mowing, trimming, weeding, clearing, placing signs, etc. in anticipation of the opening of the hawk watch.
The Allegheny Front Hawk Watch will have its first open-to-the-public event since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic on Saturday, August 7, 2021. Beginning at 1:00 p.m., volunteers will spend the afternoon getting the site ready for counting, which begins the following Sunday, August 15, 2021. Anticipated work projects include:
- Weeding of invasives species in the meadow and on the hillside. Be sure to bring work gloves since most weeds will be pulled by hand.
- Weed whacking the lane, around structures, and the hillside.
- Clearing draining ditch near the gate. A pickax might be useful!
- Transporting and hanging signage
- Transporting and erecting the Golden Eagle statue
- Mowing the field
- Fixing the gate
- Setting the decoy owl
- Potentially cleaning bird boxes (if necessary)
- Clearing the top canopy over the lane using pole saws
- Transporting the benches from the barn
Be sure to bring lots of water to drink and work gloves to protect your hands. Also feel free to bring other tools you think we might need such as a weedwhacker, a pole saw, a pickax, a wheelbarrow, etc.
We will have a fire for grilling, and we will provide burgers and hotdogs as well as some smoked ribs. Be sure to bring your own drinks. If you have a special dish that you would like to share, we can put that on the picnic table for everyone to enjoy.
Later in the evening, the Astronomy Night Presentation will begin at dusk. Telescopes will be set-up in the field at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch and Wayne Sierer will guide us around the celestial sphere. If you have a telescope…then bring it. If not, spotting scopes and binoculars work well. There will be plenty of telescopes to share.
As always, check the website before coming out.
The workday and the astronomy presentation are open to the public!
Astronomy Program - August 7, 2021
Join us at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch slightly before dusk to get set up for a program by Wayne Sierer. If you have a telescope…then bring it. If not, there will be plenty to share!
In January 2019, a small group of travelers visited Mexico to experience one of the greatest wonders on Earth: overwintering Monarchs. The group also explored a few of the natural wonders of Mexico’s Sierra Gorda – a biological melting pot unmatched in North America for its biodiversity – where we found endangered Military Macaws. As a result of visiting several Monarch sanctuaries in Mexico, Laura and Mike Jackson are even more committed to helping Monarchs on their property in Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Learn about their trip, the mysteries of Monarch migration, and how we can work together to help Monarchs in our backyards.
Laura Jackson is a retired schoolteacher who loves to explore the outdoors and all of its creatures. Laura taught high school biology and environmental science in Bedford, PA. Her favorite hobbies are gardening with native plants, birdwatching, and nature photography. Laura is the Vice-President of Juniata Valley Audubon Society, and President of Save Our Allegheny Ridges. She also serves on the advisory group for Pennsylvania Forest Stewards and the Center for Private Forests at Penn State. She has been a Pennsylvania Forest Steward since 2000.
Laura and her husband, Mike, have donated a conservation easement to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy to preserve the wildlife and forest on their property - they live south of Everett, PA.
Click this link a few minutes before the presentation. There is no registration or pass code. https://umich.zoom.us/j/97517639424
Saturday - March 20, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. - Waterfowl Identification/Walk with Master Birder and former APAS Vice President -Jeff Payne
The ice is starting to melt and our feathered waterfowl friends are experiencing "zugunruhe". That is they have an incredible itch to get migrating! It happens that our area is on an excellent migratory pathway for a great many species of waterfowl and these large, colorful birds make for a great bird identifying exercise for both experienced birders and those wanting to learn about this exciting hobby. The Somerset County Conservancy is going to sponsor a waterfowl (and whoever else crosses our path) identification day at Shawnee Lake on Saturday March 20, 2021 at 10:00 am. We will meet at the parking lot on Rt 96 closest to Schellsburg (Shawnee State Park) and depending on group size may break up into 2 or more groups. Shawnee has plenty of parking spots so folks can drive in their own cars from one stop to the next. We will be outside but please bring masks for times we may be somewhat close together. If you have binoculars, scopes or field guides bring them along but we will also have a few loaners available. And remember, a good "duck day" is often a bit "fowl" with rain or wind so we will do this activity rain (dress appropriately) or shine. Please email us at mail@somersetconservancy.org to let us know you are coming or if you have any questions.
Saturday, April 10, 2021 - Raptorthon
A joint effort between the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) and the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch. This fundraiser also helps bring school students to the hawk watch. For the past four springs, The Freedom Area High School Naturalist Club has been involved with making Raptorthon a success. Please consider supporting us this spring.
Click the Raptorthon Donation Button bellow to donate. You can also text-to-give at any time by texting EAGLETS to 313-631-HAWK (4295).